Public Astronomy Events at Durlston
Talk plus observing using various telescopes and the observatory dome telescope. £4 entry, no need to book. Visitors are advised to check the homepage of this website before leaving to check the weather is suitable for us to to hold the event.
To get to Durlston: Proceed to Swanage town centre and follow the brown Leisure signs. Postcode for SatNavs BH19 2JL. When you arrive At the park go to the second car park for the Learning Centre.
Saturday 31st August 8.30pm – Unfortunately due to a forecast of total cloud cover this has been CANCELLED
Sat 7th September 7.40 pm – Unfortunately due to a forecast of rain and cloud cover this has been CANCELLED
Saturday September 28th 7.30pm – Saturn, Double Stars and constellations
Saturday November 9th 7.30pm – GRS of Jupiter, Moon, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, contellations
Saturday November 30th 7.30pm – Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, constellations
Saturday December 7th 7.30pm – Moon, Jupiter, Saturn