Welcome to the Wessex Astronomical Society
Wessex Astronomical Society is based in Wimborne, Dorset, UK
Wessex Astronomical Society exists to promote and advance public education and interest in the science of astronomy and related sciences and to provide facilities for the encouragement and pursuit of observational astronomy
Next Society Meeting – 7:45pm, Tuesday 5th of November at the Allendale Centre in Wimborne or via Zoom for Society members
John Martin MBE will be presenting “Apollo Mission”. Society members who cannot attend the meeting at the Allendale Centre can join via Zoom.
Visitors welcome (£3 entry)
The next planned public Durlston event is Saturday the 9th of November at 7.30pm. There will be a chance to see the Great Red Spot on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Please check here for a weather update before travelling to the event