2022 Meeting Programme

Hybrid meetings are now being held via Zoom and at the Allendale Centre in Wimborne for members. Members for whom the Society holds a current Email address will be sent the Zoom link before each meeting. Non members are most welcome, simply pay £3 when you arrive.

Tuesday 4th January 7.30pmExoplanets
Mark Woodland
Tuesday 1st February 7.30pmAnglo-Saxon Astronomy
Martin Lunn
Tuesday 1st March 7.30pmThe Far Side of the Moon
Dr Julian Onions
Tuesday 5th April 7.30pmAstronomy Answers a 19th Century Conjecture
Alan Jefferis
Tuesday 3rd May 7.30pmHistorical Observations of Mars
David Strange
Tuesday 7th June 7.30pmThe Birth of the Solar System
James Fradgley
Tuesday 5th July 7.45pmThe Green Flash
Mike Frost
Tuesday 2nd August 7.45pmFire and Ice: Introducing the Two Most Volcanically Active Bodies in the Solar System
Richard Miles (BAA Comet Section)
Tuesday 6th September 7.45pmTime and Calendars
Steve Tonkin
Tuesday 11th October 7.45pmAGM
Vredefort Crater: The Little Known Giant
Bob Mizon
Tuesday 1st November 7.45pmThe angular momentum problem: why do stars spin so slowly?
James Fradgley
Tuesday 6th December 7.45pmChristmas Social and Members 10 Minute Talks

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